
4 Embie Babies...


We got the call today!! 4 eggs were mature enough and ALL 4 eggs fertilized! How awesome is that?!?! 100% success rate which is above average for mature eggs getting fertilized. Blessing!!

Jared and I were chatting about everything that happened and we actually realized that we were going to create babies tonight. Not your normal way of course, but in a petri dish. It all makes for a better story! People don't usually know the exact time that they conceive, but with the IVF process we know each and every step. That is so neat to know that we have created 4 embie babies!! Just keep praying that those embie babies grow and divide like they are suppose to. Healthy embies!! So exciting!

I am so thankful because God has giving us an inexpanable amount of peace all thoughout this process. We are so blessed to have so much support from our friends and family! Keep the prayers going!! Now, all I have to do is rest up and get ready for the embryo transfer!!

This isn't our embie baby, but this is exactly what is going on in that petri dish right now. We get to see pictures of our embie babies on friday!! I can't wait to see this first pictures of our new little ones.

1 comment:

  1. So excited friend! Thanks for sharing your blog, I know I don't have a lot of time to chat with you lately, but I want to know everything that's going on. Thanks for sharing! Always praying for you! YAYAY!

