
Baby Embies snuggled nicely in their new home....


I don't even know how to describe today...eventful. blessed. suspenseful. nerve racking. exciting. important...just to name a few! I couldn't sleep at all last night. I told Jared that I felt exactly the same way the night before we got married! LOL! Well, maybe no exactly, but pretty close. I woke up early and started sewing! An easy distraction to what was ahead.

We arrived to the clinic, so giddy and excited! Both Jared and I couldn't stop smiling! Headed back to get ready for the transfer and to wait for the news of how our embie babies were doing. When the Doc came in and said "I have good news" God's peace enveloped me! It was amazing! As you know, we had four fertilized embryos and out of the four, one of them was great and another of them was perfect! Perfect? We haven't heard the word "perfect" all throughout this process! What a blessing to hear the word "perfect" when referring to one of our embie babies! Doc said that the embryologist rarely gives out perfect scores (on a scale of 1-5, 5 being the best) and one embie was a 5 and the other one a 4!! YES! YES! YES! Jared and I were beaming!

We decided to transfer the two best embies and hopefully freeze the other two. The other embies are scored at 3 and we are praying that they grow and make it to day five so that we can freeze them so Jared and I can add to our family in a couple of years.

Jared was suited up in scrubs and we headed to the surgical room for the transfer. Right before the transfer they showed us our embie babies on the TV screen and I started to tear up! I couldn't believe that those little circles of bubbles would turn into our children. How awesome is God!! We were able to watch the screen during the transfer, but couldn't really tell what was going on! Haha! It is hard to figure out what is what on an ultrasound.

Transfer went perfect, had to lay flat for 30 minutes, then we headed home. Pretty short and sweet! Instructions for the rest of the weekend is to take it easy! And that is exactly what I am going to do!

Thanks to EVERYONE for your awesome prayers!! We are so blessed! God is so amazingly awesome, He has blessed us more that we every thought imaginable...All the glory goes to Him!!

"Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge." Psalm 62:8

Here is a picture of our two sweet litte perfect embie babies!!


  1. They are adorable. I think they look like you...ha, ha.
    So glad things went smoothly today!!

  2. Yeah! Oh, I am so very excited for you. Love the embie baby pictures. It is such an amazing thing so see. Can you believe you have made it to this point? It has been a wait, but so worth it. What a blessing. Congratulations to you both.

  3. WOW!!! I'm tearing up over here :) So cool friend! Congrats!!!
