
Just Breath....


It is the night before transfer and I can't even sleep! My mind keeps racing and thinking about those babies in the petri dish. I thank you Father ahead of time for how awesome and perfect those embie babies are.

I didn't feel so well today, but that was due to me being allergic to the antibiotics that they gave me. I was pretty sick all morning and didn't get my check list done. There were so many things that I wanted/needed to do before the transfer, but I know Jared will step in and get all of the house work done. I just wanted to be a sweet little wifey and have it all done so that he can have a fun/chore free weekend. Oh well! I guess he needs to start some time. And now is as good as time as any!

After I started feeling a little better I needed to get our of the house for some fresh air something to do. It being Thursday night...I guess I already had plans...Date night with Mom (Peg)! We always get together on Thursday night because Jared has poker night with his growth group (church group). We usually do dinner and just hang out and talk. It was a very nice distraction, but you know Moms...as giddy and as excited as I was, so for a good amount of the time we talked "babies". I love our time together!

I am very excited for the transfer tomorrow. We have put all and everything in God's hands. And I thank Him so much for the peace that He has put in our lives all throughout this process! It really has been a great experience. And no matter what happens, I know that some day we will have our family...Why? You ask...because God knows our hearts desires and I know that He will ALWAYS take care of us.

Lord...I LOVE YOU!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what an awesome day today is going to be!
    I read your whole blog this morning. So glad to be following along now.

    Lord, we know you are in control & your desire is to fulfill the Dodson's desires b/c you placed those desires there. We pray that today is successful & for the good news in a few weeks.
